The Backstory

Whether I’m in the car with my family, listening to London’s Biggest Conversation (LBC), or watching Cable News Network (CNN) with my family, since as far back as I can remember, I have always been surrounded in some form by current affairs. Oftentimes, my dad would even ask us questions and ask for our opinions on such stories (not that I paid much attention back then). From BBC News, to WION, to Channels 24, Bloomberg and beyond, I can say that ‘keeping up with the world’ (as I like to call it), is becoming a part of who I am now.

So what changed throughout the years? Why have I started this blog?

As you may have read in my ‘About’ section, 2020 was the year that marked a shift in my life.

2020: A Pivotal Year

Watching Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock on my screen, gave me some insight into the life of a busy politician. Taking questions from journalists, facing the general public, having your every move and decisions scrutinised… I’ve somewhat come to a greater appreciation of politicians - to an extent, of course. Seeing the UK government introduce the ‘Furlough Scheme’ for millions of workers across the UK, gave me a sharp reminder of the importance of the working world and highlighted the importance that jobs have to people’s lives. Observing various governments response to finding a vaccine, showed me how governments, scientists, companies and more around the world, can successfully collaborate together to achieve a common goal. Witnessing Rishi Sunak’s ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ scheme gave me insight into just how important businesses, whether seasoned or a start-up, are to an economy.

All of this sparked a desire to better understand the world we live in. The more I kept up with the news, the more I actually…enjoyed it.

I was also about to begin my Law degree around this point in my life, and I’d kept on seeing this word called, ‘Commercial Awareness’ (CA).

Taken from LawCareers.Net, “If a person is ‘commercially aware’, this means that they have at least a foundational understanding of how businesses operate, as well as a general awareness of the broader economic, political and commercial factors that can affect businesses and the industries in which they operate.”

At first, I never really understood what it meant and what it involved, but I knew that it was an important skill to have. So I began to build my CA too.

As I have embarked on this journey, I have come to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around me. My thought patterns have changed and my interests have shifted. Whilst strolling around, I ponder about what has led to that business closing, and wonder, ‘What company will take over next?’ While waiting for services, I ask owners, ‘How is your business doing?’ As I purchase items from the store, I think ‘Wow, the price has increased’. It is these kinds of questions and thoughts that have prompted me to delve deeper into researching why.

I’ve seen first-hand how business and financial headlines have affected not only my own decisions, but also those of my family and friends. There is one thing I know for sure -  the global economic landscape is more intertwined with out daily lives than we actually think.

This is why this blog exists.

To understand the reasons and the ‘why’ behind the headlines.

To become more aware of how such stories affect you.

To be more informed when engaging in discussions.

To help you also become more aware of how the world around us functions.

I believe that a person can become much more informed about a story, simply by looking deeper into it, being curious and asking ‘why’.

Fast forward to now, I:

·       Was the Commercial Awareness Officer for my University’s Law society.

·       Was a GOLD ambassador for my University.

·       Featured on the Watson’s Daily Podcast, which was ranked number 3 under the ‘Business and Finance’ category on Apple Podcast at the time of recording.

·       Expanded my network.

·       Written articles related to current affairs for my University’s newspaper.

 All of these experiences have helped me to grow in my knowledge and love of current, business and financial affairs.



This blog is for educational purposes only. What I post is not financial, investing or legal advice.

“This blog isn’t written by an individual who has years of experience within the corporate world. Nor is it written by someone who has a lot of accolades or academics behind her from these fields. However, it is written by one who has a desire to better understand these industries and has just decided to share her journey with others.”

I hope you glean a thing or two from these Insights and the Book Reviews and I look forward to learning from you as well.

Here is to new chapters and new beginnings!

Until next time, remember to stay curious.



Woe is me says Evergrande


Introductory Q&A