Hi, I’m Mary!

I’m a 22 year old recent graduate from the UK.

Outside of this blog, I enjoy reading, learning about the start-up world, personal development, deep conversations and trying out new restaurants. I believe that ‘How To Get Away With Murder’ is the best TV series, hands down. A fun fact about me is that I’m an identical twin.

I thought it would be beneficial to include a brief introduction as to the backstory of this blog below.

2020 was a tough year for many. Not only did it ignite a shift in the world, but it ignited a shift in my life too. It was a year that gave me a desire to better understand the world we live in. Since embarking on my journey, I have grown in my knowledge and understanding of the important systems in place that enable the world, to well, work. It also enabled me to realise my enjoyment of keeping up with stories pertaining to the business and financial world. I thought it was high - time that I turn my personal analysis and thoughts on such stories, into public ones and share them with you.

You can read more about my backstory here.

If you would like to share any feedback or suggestions, collaborate, or even just introduce yourself to me, you can message me on any of my social media profiles: @parahinsights (click the social media banners on the top or bottom right). Alternatively, you can email me at: hello@parahinsights.com

With all of this being said, I hope you enjoy the Insights and Book Reviews and that you learn a thing or two from them.

- Mary :)